Are you Lord of the Dance or a Warrior? King Pigeon or Half-camel? With these illustrations in my Yoga series, I wanted to depict the grace and serenity — as well as fitness and flexibility — required for various yoga poses, with a touch of retro style.
Ūrdhva mukha śvānāsan, Upward Facing Dog Pose
Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Low Lunge Pose
Viparita Prapada Dhanurasana, Inverted Tiptoe Bow Pose
Chakrasana, Urdva Dhanurasana, Upward-Facing Bow Pose
Virabhadrasana I, Warrior 1 Pose
Ardha Ustrasana, Half-camel Pose
Raja Kapotasana, King Pigeon Pose
Ganda Bherundasana, Formidable Face Pose
Natarajasana, Lord of the Dance Pose